El Proceso De Curation -Spanish

(Abridged Spanish edition of the Healing Crisis)

By Bruce Fife, N.D.

Format:  Paperback  |  Language: Spanish  |  Size:  5 1/2 x 8 1/2  |  Page Count:  32  |  ISBN:   978-0-941599-58-2  |  Paperback

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In this book you will learn how to distinguish between a healing crisis and a disease crisis. 

All natural health treatments, whether they involve dietary changes, vitamin or herbal supplementation, detoxification therapies, or bodywork, focus on removing the disease causing agents using the body’s own power of healing. This process often brings on an unpleasant reaction known as the “healing crisis”. Unlike a disease crisis (illness) the healing crisis is a sign of improving health.

In this book you will learn how to distinguish between a healing crisis and a disease crisis. You will learn how healing works, what to do, and what not to do to facilitate healing, and how to cope with unpleasant symptoms until the crisis is over. If you undergo any type of natural healing program, you must be well informed about the symptoms and processes of the healing crisis. This book will guide you through the natural healing process.

“The healing crisis is an effort on organs to become new and strong again. Though it may feel like a disease crisis, it will not last as long, or develop into another disease. Instead, it will bring about renewed health.”
–Bernard Jensen, D.C., Ph.D.

Additional information

Weight .32 lbs
Dimensions .125 × 5.5 × 8.5 in